A photo of a teacher with claires court nursery pupils in class

Dedicated To Development

At Claires Court, we understand that every child is unique and our dedicated team of early years professionals put your child’s needs at the centre of everything we do. 

This individualised approach enables your child to develop at their own pace and according to their particular strengths, interests and how they engage as learners. 


Our son has progressed so much socially and academically since joining the Nursery, and it's all down to an amazing team

Nursery School Parent


Nurturing, Stimulating & Fun

We have created a setting that is nurturing, stimulating and fun, where purposeful play underpins your child’s learning experience. A balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities encourages exploration through play. Our extracurricular activities add a wonderful dimension to our curriculum. These include Music, PE and Forest School.

Outdoor education forms an important part of our early years experience with regular visits to our Forest School as well as access to our outdoor garden and playgrounds for activities. Our outside areas are an extension of the classrooms. 

Throughout all our Early Years settings, we are committed to creating a happy environment where our youngest children flourish and thrive.

A photo of a teacher with claires court nursery pupils outside

Early Years Curriculum

Our broad and balanced curriculum and child-centred education follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) , a government document which sets the standards for learning, development and care for children to the age of five.  Our activities are designed to support and facilitate learning in all seven interconnected areas of development.

There are three prime areas of learning, which are particularly important for your child’s development and future learning:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development

There are four specific areas of learning through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

The seven areas of learning will be taught through various termly topics. However, young children’s learning is often driven by their interests so plans are flexible. 

In essence, our curriculum is focused on ensuring our children have a challenging and enjoyable experience in all areas of their learning and development and reach their Early Learning Goals (ELGs).  

A photo of claires court nursery pupils playing with kinetic sand


At Claires Court, our days are jam-packed full of fun and enriching activities. To further engage the children we provide many additional activities such as trips out or welcoming visitors to the school. 

Nurturing Independence and Team Spirit

Through nurturing and guidance, your child will learn the simple skills required to accommodate the needs of others, such as waiting, taking turns and sharing. They will develop the confidence to access and use resources independently; finding books, choosing where to play, taking themselves to the toilet and putting on their own coat can be huge milestones for some but with gentle encouragement they soon achieve these. The opportunity to be involved in sports day, concerts and assemblies allows our youngest members to experience being centre stage in a subtle, nurturing way.