Happy, Secure & Valued
We have an excellent reputation for creating a school environment where pupils feel happy, secure and valued as individuals. This doesn't happen by chance, it is the main focus for us to offer a stable, nurturing and supportive base from which your child can grow. We do this through all our staff offering high-quality care for pupils of all ages; class teachers provide close support and guidance and will monitor your child's academic and pastoral progress thoroughly.
Respect, Care & Trust
Our children trust their teachers and know that they can turn to any member of staff if they have a problem and need to talk. Our staff are all fully trained in safeguarding and PSHEE (personal, social, health, economic and emotional) education is explored in the classroom. During these sessions, children discuss and learn about self-awareness, motivation, and social skills, as well as how to manage their feelings and emotions.
We have ELSAs (emotional literacy support assistants) and a Play Therapist support on offer should any pupil need it and our regular pastoral meetings ensure every member of staff is informed, as appropriate, about all pupils. We also have two nurses on-site during the school week who offer support for both physical and mental health.
Our Golden Rules
Our Golden Rules stem from our main school values of loyalty, integrity, respect and responsibility. These simple values are the centre of everything the children do and something we genuinely live and work by.
- We treat others as we would like to be treated
- We are kind and helpful
- We forgive
- We share
- We are honest
- We listen to each other
- We try to be our best self
Nurturing Our Pupils
Children strive to be polite and well-mannered, they work hard to be good teammates and thoughtful caring friends. We ensure that the School has a ‘nurturing’ feel and our pupils are all part of the school family.
All staff are responsible for the moral, social and cultural well-being of our pupils.
Celebrating Greatness
Every Friday the whole School attends a celebratory assembly of the week's achievements which range from academic excellence to individual moments of kindness. Each week, children wait in awe to see if they have won the School's most coveted award, and one of the two Claires Court Rabbits, presented to pupils who have demonstrated outstanding behaviour and attitude during the previous week.
Our teachers have high expectations for all of our children, inspiring them to believe anything is possible.