As another successful term draws to a close, and we look forward to spending the Christmas holidays with family and friends, we wanted to share a round up of the festive activities for our Claires Court students.
Christmas Shows
The celebrations kicked off with several wonderful Christmas shows. The nursery show, ‘Follow the Star’, gave our youngest pupils the chance to take to the stage and perform for their relatives and friends. They were absolutely brilliant.
The Lower Juniors nativity performances told the Christmas story in two different ways. Our Lower Juniors Girls performed ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’ which featured a very busy innkeeper whose breakfast is more important than anything else. Meanwhile, the Lower Junior Boys told the Christmas story from the point of view of the animals in the stable in their nativity, ‘Born in a Barn’.
Father Christmas Visit
A highlight for all of our Nursery and Juniors children was a very special visit from Father Christmas himself. Father Christmas dropped by our College Avenue site in a shiny vintage mini instead of a sleigh (which we understand was undergoing its annual MOT). Ably assisted by his elves and reindeer, Santa gave out treats to all the pupils. He then appeared at Junior Boys, magically transforming his mini into a beautiful blue Morgan en route, where he greeted all the Junior Boys with elf volunteers from Senior Boys on hand to help him.
Christmas Lunch
A huge thank you to our wonderful in house catering teams across our three sites for providing pupils and staff with delicious Christmas lunches last week.
They look after all of us so well throughout the year and Christmas lunch was no exception. It felt very festive with everyone wearing Christmas jumpers, lots of festive music and of course Christmas crackers. Sixth Form had their own Christmas lunch in the Bistro No. 6. and by the looks of their suits, had a very festive lunch hour!
Foodshare Hampers
Once again this year the Claires Court community supported the Maidenhead food bank, Foodshare. An enormous thank you to all of those who donated items and we were overwhelmed by the generosity of parents without whom we could not have given so generously. All the items were dropped off to Foodshare yesterday in time for distribution to the local community.
St Luke's Christmas Tree Festival
Our Juniors, Seniors and Sixth Form all sponsored and decorated Christmas trees in the St Luke’s Church Christmas Tree Festival. Every year they invite the community to decorate a tree to raise money for charity. The church looked absolutely magical, and our students did a fantastic job decorating their five trees. Seniors created hampers of Christmas food which were presented to the Reverend Sally Lynch for distribution in the local community. The hampers themselves were impressive with each class designing their own bespoke hampers to place all their Christmas food in, each worthy of prizes!
Carol Concerts
There is nothing like a carol service to get us in the Christmas spirit and the Junior carol service in All Saints Church did just that. The pupils were in fine voice and a particular well done to those that did readings, they were all brilliant.
The Seniors Carol service took place at St. Luke's Church today was an absolute joy. Staggered over two services, Years 7-11 were in fine voice and the senior orchestra played music from classic to contemporary pieces. It was thoroughly uplifting knowing that we could be together after 2 years of covid restrictions.
Overall it's been a fantastic end of term, we hope our school community of staff, students and parents have a restorative break and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Thursday 5 January 2023!